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European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education

Organisational structure

EQAR is an International Non-Profit Association under Belgian law (aisbl/ivzw), founded by the E4 Group.

Its organisational structure has been designed to enable the independent Register Committee to manage the Register of quality assurance agencies, and to ensure independence and integrity by appropriate checks and balances.

Organisational Chart RC Sec EB AC GA Members


Members of the association are the four founders (ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE), as well as the social partner organisations represented in the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) and European governments that have decided to support the operation of EQAR and get involved in its governance. The diverse membership is reflected in different rights and responsibilities of the different categories of members.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the superior decision-making body of the EQAR Association, gathering all its members.


The EQAR President chairs the Executive Board as well as the Register Committee, represents EQAR externally and ensures coherence in the work of the EQAR bodies.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is in charge of the daily operation of EQAR, with the support of the Secretariat.

Register Committee

The Register Committee deals with the core objective of EQAR: it has the power to decide on applications for inclusion on the Register.

Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee considers potential appeals against a rejection of an application for inclusion on the Register.


The Secretariat is in charge of the daily administration and management of EQAR. It supports all other bodies in their work and serves as contact point for all third parties.