General Assembly
The General Assembly decides on the budget, approves the accounts, elects the Executive Board and Appeals Committee and approves the Register Committee.
All signatory countries of the Bologna Process can become Governmental Members of the Association.
For the full list of members please view EQAR members.
Composition (Members) - Founding Members
- Social Partner Members
- Governmental Members
Composition (Members)
The Founding Members and the Social Partner Members constitute the group of Non-governmental Members.
The Founding Members are the E4 Group (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE) which founded EQAR following the mandate given by European Ministers of Education.
The consultative members of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) that represent the interests of employers or employees can become Social Partner Members. These are currently BUSINESSEUROPE and Education International.
All signatory countries of the Bologna Process can become Governmental Member of EQAR.
At present, there are four permanent observers at the GA: the European Commission, the Bologna Secretariat, the Council of Europe and UNESCO-CEPES. They do not have voting rights.
An overview of past General Assemblies:
The General Assembly convenes annually, usually in conjuction with the first Bologna Follow-Up Group Meeting.
25 May 2017: 13th EQAR General Assembly in Gozo EQAR members convened for their 13th General Assembly, hosted by the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU and in conjunction with the BFUG meeting on 24-25 May.
25 May 2017: 13th EQAR General Assembly in Gozo
- Karl Dittrich was unanimously elected as EQAR President with a mandate from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020. He will chair the Executive Board as well as the Register Committee, represent EQAR externally and ensure coherence in the work of the EQAR bodies.
Appointing an EQAR President was one of the recommendations in EQAR’s external evaluation of 2011 “the General Assembly should appoint a high profile, independent President capable of raising the visibility and promoting the benefits of EQAR with key stakeholders”. Following up on decisions taken at the GA in Oslo on 25 November 2016, as well as the subsequent statutory changes by the General Assembly of 12 April 2017, EQAR members were invited to elect an EQAR president based on a proposal by the Selection Committee.
The Selection Committee was composed by representatives of Governmental Members (4), Founding Members (2), Social Partner Member (1), the Executive Board (2) and the Register Committee (2).
After issuing a Call for candidates, the Selection Committee received 14 applications from high level applicants and interviewed 6 of them. Based on the motivation letters, CVs and the interview, the Selection Committee was able to find a consensus that one candidate best matched all elements mentioned in the Call for Candidates – independence, senior leadership experience, good knowledge of quality assurance and higher education policies at the European level, ability to work with different actors and stakeholders, and excellent command of English – and therefore agreed to propose one candidate, Karl Dittrich, to the General Assembly (GA).
- As of 1 July 2017, the Executive Board will assume the following functions: Karl Dittrich: President
Blazhe Todorovski: Vice-President
Maria Kelo: Treasurer
Michal Karpíšek and Tia Loukkola: Member
7 March 2016: 10th EQAR General Assembly in Amsterdam EQAR's 10th General Assembly was held in Amsterdam on 7 March, hosted by the Dutch EU Presidency, in conjunction with the BFUG meeting on 7-8 March.
7 March 2016: General Assembly in Amsterdam
Representatives of 38 EQAR members convened to review and adopt, among others, the EQAR Self-Evaluation Report as well as a number of recommendations directly resulting from the self-evaluation process.
Apart from recommendations on how to further improve or expand current practices, two distinct objectives came out of the self-evaluation exercise and were directly taken forward into the Work Plan:
- To study the feasibility of a database of higher education institutions and programmes that have been subject to quality assurance by registered agencies.
- To establish or clarify the position of a president in order to raise the visibility of EQAR and to enhance stability and leadership internally.
EQAR will prepare concrete, operational proposals on both topics which will then be discussed at the Members Dialogue in Oslo in November 2016.
The General Assembly elected the following Executive Board for a two-year mandate as per 1 April 2016. According to the agreed annual rotation, the Executive Board will assume the following functions:
- Re-elected: Tia Loukkola (EUA) - President
- Re-elected: Fernando Galán Palomares (ESU) - Vice-President
- Re-elected: Maria Kelo (ENQA) - Vice-President
- Newly elected: Johan Cloet (EURASHE) - Treasurer
EQAR Annual Report 2015 [PDF, 3MB]
Self-Evaluation Report [PDF, 2MB]
26 March 2015: 9th EQAR General Assembly in Latvia The General Assembly reviewed and adopted the Message to the Yerevan Ministerial Conference which highlights some of EQAR’s activities as well as the main developments in cross-border quality assurance since the last ministerial meeting in 2012 (Bucharest) and offers a number of recommendations for the Yerevan Communiqué.
26 March 2015: EQAR General Assembly in Riga
The General Assembly reviewed and adopted the Message to the Yerevan Ministerial Conference which highlights some of EQAR’s activities as well as the main developments in cross-border quality assurance since the last ministerial meeting in 2012 (Bucharest) and offers a number of recommendations for the Yerevan Communiqué.
Members of the GA took note of the “Use and Interpretation of the ESG”, a policy document prepared by the Register Committee, based on the current "Practices and Interpretations". Likewise linked to the revised ESG, the General Assembly considered a number of amendments to the “Procedures for Applications” and approved to extend the current term of the Register Committee by one year to ensure a smooth and stable transition to the revised ESG. These documents will be published after the Yerevan Ministerial Conference in May.
The Annual Report 2014, including the Report of the Register Committee, was presented to the General Assembly and will be published shortly.
8 April 2014: 8th EQAR General Assembly in Athens EQAR members convened in Athens for the 8th General Assembly of the organisation. The Annual Report 2013, including the Report of the Register Committee, was presented at the event and will be published on the EQAR website shortly.
8 April 2014: 8th EQAR General Assembly in Athens

EQAR members convened in Athens for the 8th General Assembly of the organisation. The Annual Report 2013, including the Report of the Register Committee, was presented at the event and will be published on the EQAR website shortly.
The General Assembly approved the Work Plan 2014/215 of which the RIQAA project (Recognising International Quality Assurance Activity in the EHEA) is one of the main activities for 2014. The final dissemination conference of the project (and Members' Dialogue) will take place in Rome in September 2014.
EQAR is also planning to co-organise regional peer-learning events on cross-border quality assurance in cooperation with national ministries. Ministries interested in co-hosting such an event are kindly requested to contact the EQAR Secretariat.
The General Assembly elected the following Executive Board for a two-year mandate:
- Fernando Galán Palomares (ESU)
- Maria Kelo (ENQA)
- Tia Loukkola (EUA)
- Andreas Orphanides (EURASHE)
A special word of thanks was given to Lesley Wilson who served on the EQAR Board since its foundation as well as to the other two outgoing board members Stefan Delplace and Allan Päll.
Four new Register Committee members were approved by the General Assembly. Their two-year mandate will start on 1 July 2014. Incoming members Olav Øye, Freddy Coignoul, Anita Līce, and Tibor Szanto will replace outgoing members Anca Prisacariu, Henrik Toft Jensen, Christoph Anz and Mala Singh - these last three having served on the Register Committee since 2008.
13 March 2013: 7th General Assembly in Dublin At EQAR's 7th General Assembly, held at Dublin Castle on 13 March 2013, members adopted the Strategic Plan for the years 2013-2017. This is an important step to strengthen EQAR's strategic role, as was recommended by the international expert panel that reviewed EQAR in 2011.
13 March 2013: 7th General Assembly in Dublin
EQAR's two strategic goals relate to "International Trust and Recognition of Registered QAA's" and "Enhanced Transparency and Information Provision".
(Strategic Plan for the year 2013-2017)
The EQAR Annual Report 2012 (print version) was presented at the General Assembly, including a Report by the Register Committee.
The General Assembly warmly welcomed representatives of EQAR's newest governmental members, Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.
Following the approval of the Register Committee by the previous General Assembly, one member position had become vacant after the resignation of Gertie De Fraeye. ESU’s nomination to the Register Committee, Andrea Blättler, was approved by the General Assembly for the remaining mandate of the Register Committee’s until 30 June 2014.
As of 1 April 2013, the Executive Board will assume the following functions, according to the agreed annual rotation:
- Maria Kelo (ENQA) - President
- Lesley Wilson (EUA) - Vice-President
- Stefan Delplace (EURASHE) - Vice-President
- Allan Päll (ESU) - Treasurer
17 January & 20 March 2012: 6th General Assembly, Copenhagen EQAR's 6th General Assembly was held in two parts in conjunction with the two Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) meetings during the Danish EU Presidency. During the first part, on 17 January 2012, EQAR members discussed EQAR's strategic priorities and follow-up to the External Evaluation.
17 January & 20 March 2012: 6th General Assembly, Copenhagen
EQAR members agreed on two strategic priorities for EQAR's work and as a basis for EQAR's future strategic plan:
- Promoting, through the Register, international trust and recognition of quality assurance agencies
- Increasing transparency and ensuring that information provided by EQAR is meaningful
Read the External Evaluation Report (August 2011)
Read the Self-Evaluation Report (March 2011)
On 20 March 2012, EQAR members convened for the second part of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly elected a new Executive Board for a two-year mandate. The following candidates were elected and will assume the following functions as of 1 April 2012, according to the agreed annual rotation:
- Lesley Wilson (EUA) - President
- Maria Kelo (ENQA) - Vice-President
- Allan Päll (ESU) - Vice-President
- Stefan Delplace (EURASHE) - Treasurer
The General Assembly also approved the nominations to the Register Committee for a two-year mandate. The current Register Committee’s mandate ends by 30 June 2012. ESU nominated one new member, Anca Prisacariu and will nominate a second new member later this year. All other Register Committee members were re-nominated.
Following the election of the Appeals Committee by the previous General Assembly, one deputy member position remained vacant. The General Assembly elected Gemma Rauret Dalmau for this position. Her mandate will end at the GA in 2015, together with the remaining Appeals Committee.
The Vice-Chair of the Register Committee reported on the Register Committees's work since the last General Assembly. The Report of the Register Committee will be integrated into the Annual Report 2011, which will be published before the Bucharest Ministerial Conference on 26/27 April 2012.
Representatives of Turkey, who joined EQAR as Governmental Member right before the General Assembly, as well as Croatia, Latvia and Montenegro, who had signed up for governmental membership already last year, were warmly welcomed at their first General Assembly.
18 March 2011: 5th General Assembly, Hungary EQAR members convened for their fifth General Assembly in Gödöllő on 18 March 2011. The main item on the agenda was the draft Self-Evaluation Report for the External Evaluation of EQAR. Members shared their comments and reflections on the report in a very engaging discussion. The GA was also informed about the composition of the Evaluation Panel that will carry out the review.
18 March 2011: 5th General Assembly, Hungary
The Vice-Chair of the Register Committee provided an update on the Committee’s work since the last General Assembly and presented the Register Committee’s summary report, published in October 2010.
Helka Kekäläinen (ENQA) was elected to the Executive Board as replacement member for Emmi Helle, who had resigned from her position on the Executive Board. The President of the EB thanked Emmi Helle for her contribution and work in EQAR.
As of 1 April 2011, the Executive Board will assume the following functions, according to the agreed annual rotation:
- Andrea Blättler - President
- Andreas Orphanides - Vice-President
- Lesley Wilson - Vice-President
- Helka Kekäläinen - Treasurer
Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey were present at the GA as observers and announced that their governments were considering Governmental Membership of EQAR.
19 February 2010: 4th General Assembly, Madrid EQAR members convened in Madrid on 19 February 2010 for the fourth General Assembly of the association. A new Executive Board was elected for a 2-year mandate commencing as of 1 March 2010.
19 February 2010: 4th General Assembly, Madrid
The following candidates have been nominated and elected: Andrea Blättler (nominated by ESU) Emmi Helle (re-nominated by ENQA) Andreas Orphanides (re-nominated by EURASHE) Lesly Wilson (re-nominated by EUA).
Apart from the election of the Executive Board, a new Chair of the Register Committee as well as two new Register Committee members were approved by the General Assembly. Their two-year mandate will start on 1 July 2010. The new Chair, Kjell Frønsdal - Judge of the Gulating Court of Appeal in Bergen, Norway - was by-elected by the Register Committee on 6 January 2010 after the current Chair, Mr. Justice Bryan McMahon had indicated he was not available for a second mandate. The two new Register Committee members are Gertie de Fraeye and Mindaugas Misiunas.
Another important milestone was the approval of the Initial Plans for the External Evaluation of EQAR. Initial discussions on this subject had already started in September 2009 at the third General Assembly.
29 September 2009: 3rd General Assembly, Stockholm EQAR’s third General Assembly was held in Stockholm on 29 September 2009. The meeting took place immediately after the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG). The Chair of the Register Committee, Bryan McMahon, presented the report by the Register Committee on the first two rounds of applications.
29 September 2009: 3rd General Assembly, Stockholm
He expressed that the RC was pleased with the keen interest shown at the last GA for its work. While emphasising the utmost importance of transparency and accountability, he recalled two other important principles, namely confidentiality granted to applicants and the independence of the Register Committee. He explained that the Register Committee worked on the basis of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) as well as the Procedures for Applications, which were adopted in consultation with the GA. The Committee was committed to ensure that all applications are considered fairly and the available evidence is weighed carefully and rigorously.
Colin Tück, acting director of EQAR, presented the Interim Report on the Plan of Work summarising the goals and activities concerned with the management of the register, as well as the communication and external relations.
The General Assembly discussed the initial plans for the External Evaluation of EQAR. As foreseen by the London Communiqué (2007) and endorsed in the Leuven/Louvain-La-Neuve Communiqué (2009), EQAR should be evaluated externally after two years of operation.
Due to the resignation of Eric Froment from the Register Committee, the General Assembly approved the nomination of Julio Pedrosa as replacement for the remainder of the Register Committee’s mandate.
The European Commission presented the key points of their progress report on Quality Assurance and invited everyone, including other stakeholders, to consult the report and reflect on the ideas presented.
25 March 2009: 2nd General Assembly, Praha EQAR members convened for their 2nd General Assembly on 25 March 2009 in Praha, Czech Republic. The meeting was held on the day before the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) met, also in Praha, to prepare the next Bologna Process ministerial meeting, which will be held this April in Leuven and Louvain-La-Neuve.
25 March 2009: 2nd General Assembly, Praha
Representatives of Slovenia, which has joined EQAR as Governmental Member right before the General Assembly, and Ireland, which had signed up for governmental membership already last summer, were warmly welcomed at their first General Assembly.
The General Assembly discussed EQAR's first annual report. The report, covering EQAR's activities in 2008 from its founding to the inclusion of the first agencies on the register, will be published when Europe's ministers of higher education meet in April to take stock of progress in the Bologna Process.
Following the end of her mandate in the European Students' Union (ESU) last year, Anne Mikkola, who had served as Vice-President of the Executive Board since EQAR's founding, had resigned from her post to allow a new representative of ESU to take over. The General Assembly by-elected Bruno Carapinha, a member of the ESU Executive Committee.
Bruno will also take over as President of the Executive Board from 1 April 2009, following an agreement to rotate functions annually amongst the representatives of EQAR's four Founding Members. The General Assembly thanked Anne for her work and wished Bruno a successful mandate. Lesley Wilson, who has been its President since March 2008, will continue to serve on the Board as the Treasurer. Emmi Helle and Andreas Orphanides will serve as Vice-Presidents for the coming year.
25 June 2008: First EQAR General Assembly, Sarajevo The first General Assembly took place on the 25th of June 2008 in Sarajevo, following an extraordinary meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) convened in Sarajevo to discuss the development of the European Higher Education Area after 2010.
25 June 2008: First EQAR General Assembly, Sarajevo
- © Daniel Wabyick
This was the second meeting of the EQAR association members, following the Founding Assembly on 4 March 2008. Four Bologna signatory countries have joined since and were welcomed at the Sarajevo meeting: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Hungary and Norway.
The main objective of the meeting was a consultation on the Procedures for Applications. Those will be adopted by the Register Committee during the coming weeks, taking due account of the questions and comments arising from the Sarajevo meeting.
The General Assembly adopted EQAR's Mission Statement, the Appeals Procedure and the budgets for the financial years 2008 and 2009. It has by-elected Ms Geri Bonhof as deputy member of the Appeals Committee.
4 March 2008: EQAR Founding Assembly, Brussels Following the signing of EQAR's statutes by the representatives of the E4 Group, the members of the new association held a Founding Assembly in the Royal Academy of Science and Arts (Brussels, Belgium).
4 March 2008: EQAR Founding Assembly, Brussels
Apart from the four Founding Members, two Social Partner Members (BUSINESSEUROPE, Education International) and 19 Governmental Members joined the EQAR Association on 4 March and participated in the Founding Assembly.
The Founding Assembly elected an Appeals Committee, approved the nominations to the Register Committee and endorsed the Executive Board appointed by the founders. A preliminary budget for 2008 and a membership fee scale were approved.