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European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education


Logos of EURASHE, ENQA, EUA, ESU, Education International and BUSINESSEUROPE

Stakeholder Organisations

Governmental members of EQAR

image/svg+xml Map of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Map of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) A blank map of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and countries fully surrounded by the EHEA. Every country has an id which is its ISO-3116-1-ALPHA2 code in lower case. Members of the EU have a class="eu", all EHEA countries have a class="europe", non-EHEA countries have a class="nonehea". Image based on by Júlio "Tintazul" Reis and Marian "maix" Sigler. Made by Colin Tück, EQAR, 2017 Released under CreativeCommons Attribution ShareAlike (


Denmark has been a Governmental Member of EQAR since 2008

Focus of external quality assurance

  • Accreditation of higher education institutions;
  • Accreditation of programmes, until the higher education institution has achieved institutional accreditation.

Can higher education institutions choose a suitable EQAR-registered agency?

Yes, Danish higher education institutions are able to choose an EQAR-registered agency for the accreditation of Danish education programmes offered abroad and the accreditation of professional education programmes offered by transnational providers

The Accreditation Council may decide to also use an EQAR-registered quality assurance agency, other than the Danish Accreditation Agency for the preparation of the accreditation reports. 

At the request of a higher education institution, the Accreditation Council may accept an accreditation report from another internationally recognised quality assurance agency.

  • Eligibility requirements for foreign agencies: EQAR registration
  • Condition for the agency's work:
    • for accrediting Danish higher education institutions or programmes or Danish education programmes offered abroad: the agency can use its own criteria.
    • for accrediting professional programmes offered by transnational providers: the agency has to follow the guidelines from the Danish Ministry and any other further requirements defined by the Danish Accreditation Council.
    • for all other accreditation procedure in Denmark: the agency has to follow the rules of procedure including criteria for institutional accreditation.
  • Further information/regulations: Act on the Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education (updated, May 2015)

Can higher education institutions use the European Approach for the Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes?

  • Yes, the European Approach is available to all higher education institutions.
    • Joint programmes can be accredited by all “internationally recognised” agencies. If an agency is registered on EQAR, it is automatically considered “internationally recognised”; otherwise, it has to prove this in an individual procedure to the Danish authorities.

Registered agencies based in this country

Registered agencies operating in this country

There are three different categories of members of the EQAR Association:

  • Founding Members;
  • Social Partner Members;
  • Governmental Members.

Membership is not to be confused with being listed on the Register: a quality assurance agency that has evidenced its compliance with the European Standards and Guidelines and has successfully applied for inclusion will not be an association member.

The Founding Members are the E4 Group, the four organisations that have founded EQAR following the mandate given by European ministers of higher education.

The consultative members of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) that represent the interests of employers or employees can become Social Partner Members.

All signatory countries of the Bologna Process, as well as the intergovernmental organisations involved consultatively in the Bologna Process, can become Governmental Members of the association. See Becoming a Governmental Member for details on how your ministry can apply for membership.

Founding Members

  • ENQA, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Helsinki
  • ESU, European Students' Union, formerly ESIB, Brussels
  • EUA, European University Association, Brussels
  • EURASHE, European Association of Institutions in Higher Education, Brussels

Social Partner Members

  • Education International, Brussels

Governmental Members

  • Albania
    Ministry of Education and Sports
  • Armenia
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Austria
    Federal Ministry of Science and Research
  • Azerbaijan
    Ministry of Education
  • Belgium (Flemish community)
    Flemish Department of Education and Training
  • Belgium (French community)
    Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Ministry of Civil Affairs
  • Bulgaria
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Croatia
    Ministry of Science Education and Sports
  • Cyprus
    Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Czech Republic
    Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
  • Denmark
    Danish University and Property Agency / Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Estonia
    Ministry of Education and Research
  • Finland
    Ministry of Education and Culture
  • France
    Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • Georgia
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Germany
    Federal Ministry of Education and Research / Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Greece
    Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs
  • Ireland
    Department of Education and Science
  • Kazakhstan
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Latvia
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Liechtenstein
    Office of Education
  • Lithuania
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Luxembourg
    Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research
  • Malta
    Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment
  • Moldova
    Ministry of Education
  • Montenegro
    Ministry of Education and Sports
  • the Netherlands
    Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
  • Norway
    Ministry of Education and Research
  • Poland
    Ministry of Science and Higher Education
  • Portugal
    Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education
  • Romania
    Ministry of Education, Research and Youth
  • Slovenia
    Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
  • Spain
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Switzerland
    State Secretariat for Education and Research
  • "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Turkey
    The Council of Higher Education
  • Ukraine
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • United Kingdom
    Department for Business Innovation and Skills / Scottish Government / Welsh Government / Department of Education Northern Ireland