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European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education

Decisions of the EQAR Register Committee

This page contains the decisions of the EQAR Register Committee on applications for inclusion on the Register, for renewal of registration (§3.8 of the Procedures) and on registered agencies (§7.4).

The publication of full decisions was introduced in January 2013. Decisions from 2012 and earlier were made available to the agencies concerned, and it is at the agencies' own discretion whether or not to make them publicly available. Decisions are listed in reverse chronological order.

Use and Interpretation of the ESG

The policy on the Use and Interpretation of the ESG for the European Register of Quality Assurance Agency was published in June 2016 and aims to:

  • increase the transparency of the Register Committee's interpretation of the ESG;
  • ensure consistency in the Register Committee’s decisions;
  • facilitate the understanding of the Register Committee's decisionsi;
  • inform quality assurance agencies, external review coordinators and external review panels ex ante of the Register Committee’s interpretation of the ESG.

The policy is based on the 2015 version of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). It replaced a document summarising the Register Committee's Practices and Interpretations made in using the 2005 version of the ESG.