Official documents
- Use and Interpretation of the ESG
Version 2.0 - November 2017
This general policy explains how the EQAR Register Committee has used and interpreted the ESG for the European Register of quality assurance agencies. It addresses quality assurance agencies seeking inclusion on the Register and all those involved in the external review of quality assurance agencies. - Merger Policy
Version 1.0 - May 2012
This policy addresses the registration status of EQAR-registered quality assurance agencies after a merger, including the conditions, requirements and timeframes for merged agencies to remain on the Register. - Code of Conduct
Version 1.0 - January 2012
The Code of Conduct serves as a reference for EQAR committee members and staff in exercising their functions. - Complaints Policy
Version 3.0 - January 2015
Individuals or organisations that have substantiated doubts whether a registered agency does comply substantially with the ESG, may address these to EQAR in line with the Complaints Policy. - Policy on Transition to the Revised ESG
Version 2.0 - June 2015
The policy concerns the transition to the revised version of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), to be adopted by EHEA ministers in 2015, as regards registration and renewal of registration of quality assurance agencies. - Archived versions
- Appeals Procedure
Version 1.0 - May 2008
Applicants can file an appeal against decisions of the Register Committee on procedural grounds or in the case of perversity of judgment. The official rules thereof are specified in the Appeals Procedure. - Procedures for Applications
Version 3.0 - June 2015
The binding regulations for applications are laid down in the EQAR Procedures for Applications. - Archived versions
Statutes (Articles of Association)
- Version 3.0 - April 2017
- Archived versions
EHEA documents
- Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)
2015 version - adopted in May 2015
The ESG serve as criteria for inclusion on the Register. - European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes
Adopted in May 2015
The European Approach was adopted by ministers responsible for higher education in order to ease the external quality assurance of these programmes. - Archived versions
Register Committee Decisions
- See Decisions
Annual Reports
- See Reports