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European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education

Statements, Newsletters, Press Releases and Communiqués



  • EQAR Input to the MAP-ESG Project
    (21 August 2011)

    EQAR contributed to the E4 Group's project on mapping the application and implementation of the ESG (MAP-ESG) on the project's Advisory Board. This statement sets out the strengths and challenges observed by the Register Committee in using the ESG as criteria for the Register.
  • Statement on European Commission Modernisation Agenda
    (22 June 2011)
    In a statement on the Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education, EQAR welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to review the 2006 Communication “Delivering on the Modernisation Agenda for Universities”. The statement sets out how Quality Assurance is an essential tool in helping to promote mobility, support diversity and ensure accountability in Higher Education in Europe. It also describes how quality assurance can make a contribution to better articulation and recognition of qualifications throughout Europe and gives examples of how the existing European quality assurance instruments and infrastructure could be better used. Read the full statement
  • Statement on the European Commission Report on QA
    (30 November 2009)
    In a statement on the European Commission's Report on progress in quality assurance of higher education (published in September), EQAR welcomes that the Report acknowledges its activities to enhance transparency and trust of quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The statement sets out how EQAR supports the European dimension in quality assurance of higher education, comments on the European quality assurance infrastructure and underlines the importance of reliable and transparent external quality assurance as a basis for transparency of quality in higher education. Read the full statement