Annual Report 2015
The Annual Report 2015 is available both in a printed version and on-line.
Please note that the printed version will be available in May 2016 only. To receive the printed Annual Report 2015, please enter your address information on the following form.
Table of Contents
- Foreword
- 1. Report of the Register Committee
- Decisions on Inclusion and Renewal of Registration
- Monitoring of Registered Agencies
- Transition to the ESG 2015
- 2. Contribution to Policy Developments in the EHEA
- Yerevan Ministerial Conference
- Bologna Follow-Up Group and Working Groups
- Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG 2015)
- European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes
- Legal Frameworks for Cross-Border Quality Assurance
- Ad-Hoc Group on Cross-Border Quality Assurance
- Annual Monitoring of Registered Agencies' Activities
- 3. Communication
- Publications
- Newsletter
- Website and Social Media
- Representation and Relations with Partners
- 4. Organisational Development
- Self-Evaluation
- Membership
- Statutory Bodies and Staff
- Finances
- 5. List of Registered Quality Assurance Agencies