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European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education

What is the role of Governmental Members in EQAR?

Governmental Members are members of the EQAR General Assembly, which also includes the Founding Members (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE) and the Social Partner Members (BUSINESSEUROPE, Education International).

The General Assembly is EQAR’s supreme decision-making body and responsible for the overall governance of EQAR. It appoints all other statutory bodies (Executive Board, Register Committee, Appeals Committee), approves the annual accounts, participates in adopting policies and procedures for EQAR’s work, and discusses any matters of general concern, such as the external evaluation of EQAR requested by ministers.

Can we be a Governmental Member if our national quality assurance agency is not included on the Register?

Yes, governmental membership and inclusion on the Register are two different things. Any Bologna Process country can become a Governmental Member of EQAR, independent of whether or not the national quality assurance agency/-ies is/are included on the Register. The national agency/-ies of a country can apply for inclusion on the Register independent of whether or not their country is a member of EQAR.

Can any country become a governmental member?

Only states that are party to the European Cultural Convention are eligible for membership.

How can we become governmental member?

For more information on how to become a Governmental Member click here.

Which governments are already members of EQAR?

Please click here to view all Governmental Members.

What is the governmental membership fee and when does it need to be paid?

The membership fee amounts to 2 704€ (from 2018: 3 318€), 5 408€ (from 2018: 6 636€), 8 113€ (from 2018: 9 955€) or 10 817€ (from 2018: 13 272€), depending on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the GDP per capita according to the  Fee Scale. Members receive an annual invoice for the membership fee.

Consult the EQAR membership fees [PDF, valid from 2018] (fees valid until 2017 [PDF]) for additional information.

Who should be our representative in the General Assembly?

The representative of a Governmental Member should be a ministry official. We recommend appointing the same representative(s) as for the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG), which is the practice followed by almost all Governmental Members. For independence reasons the representative may not be a representative or staff member of a quality assurance agency.