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European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education

FIBAA - Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation

Internationale Agentur zur Qualitätssicherung im Hochschulbereich

Admission valid until: 2022-01-31 (listed since 2009-04-08)
Based in*: Germany
HE systems where agency conducted reviews**: Albania, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Vietnam
Reports by the agency:
External review reports and EQAR decisions:

Contact details

Address: Berliner Freiheit 20-24
53111 Bonn
Contact Person: Kerstin Fink
Phone: +49 228 280 356 0
Fax: +49 228 280 356 20

Information on the agency's work

FIBAA is a nationally as well as internationally experienced non-profit agency for quality assurance. Customer-oriented, efficient, fast and flexible work are some of its trademarks. FIBAA is accredited by the German Accreditation Council since 2000 (re-accreditation in 2005, 2007, 2012 and 2017, respectivelly for 5 years).

FIBAA is also recognised by the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER), the Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO), the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research.

The task of quality assurance lies within the responsibility of higher education institutions. FIBAA supports them in achieving their self-defined objectives. It offers impulses for further quality development. It promotes quality and transparency in academic education by assessing Higher Education Institutions.
FIBAA bases its work on national and international requirements and standards as well pays special attention to internationalization, practical relevance and employability.

Specialisation: In the field of accreditation and certification at programme level, FIBAA operates in higher education institutions with a focus on programmes in Economics, Social Sciences and Law.
External quality assurance activities in the scope of the ESG:
  • Programme Accreditation according to FIBAA quality standards
  • Programme Accreditation according to the GAC requirements
  • Certification of Further Education Courses
  • Institutional Strategic Management Accreditation (ISMA)
  • Institutional Quality Management Accreditation (IQMA)
  • Institutional Audit in Austria
  • System Accreditation according to the GAC requirements.
ENQA membership: Full member


  We aim to keep information on the register as accurate and reliable as possible. Please inform us should you note any inaccurate or misleading information, or refer to our Complaints Policy.
*   This is the country in which the agency has its registered address. Information on the formal status of the agency and its decisions in the country's education system should be obtained from the competent national authorities.
**   List of EHEA countries where the agency has evaluated, accredited or audited higher education institutions or programmes during the past five years. This information is provided by the agency for informational purposes, in order to allow users to identify which agencies have experience with working in a specific higher education system. It does not necessarily imply formal recognition of the agency's results or decisions in those countries.
1 All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, on this site shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.