SQAA - Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency
NAKVIS - Nacionalna agencija Republike Slovenije za kakovost v visokem šolstvu
Admission valid until: | 2018-07-31 (listed since 2013-10-23) |
Based in*: | Slovenia |
HE systems where agency conducted reviews**: | Slovenia |
Reports by the agency: | http://www.nakvis.si/sl-SI/Content/Details/87 |
External review reports and EQAR decisions: | 2016-03 C06 Substantive Change Report SQAA 2013 05 SQAA Approval Decision SQAA External Review Report |
Contact details
Website: | http://www.nakvis.si |
Address: | Slovenska cesta 9 P.O. Box 40 1001 Ljubljana Slovenia |
Contact Person: | Ivan Leban |
Phone: | +386 1 400 5771 |
Email: | ivan.leban@nakvis.si |
Information on the agency's work
SQAA was established in 2010 from the previous state council as an independent non-governmental budget user and a public authorisation holder. Its goal is to professionalise transparent quality evaluation procedures according to the HE Act and the predetermined criteria and to include all stakeholders of HE area in the decision-making process. It is accountable to the public and it observes strictly the principle of impartiality and avoid the conflicts of interest.
SQAA is active in the area of university education and higher vocational education covering all higher-education institutions, both state and private, in Slovenia together with study programmes at all three Bologna levels and LLL. Other activities cover training of SQAA experts, setting standards for habilitation of HE teachers, researchers and assistants as well as transnational higher education.
External quality assurance activities in the scope of the ESG: | • initial accreditation and re-accreditation of higher education institutions; • accreditation to new study programmes; • accreditation of external evaluations; • external evaluation and extraordinary evaluation of higher education institutions and study programmes (including evaluation of a sample of study programme)’ • evaluation of transnational higher education/cross-border education. • notifications of internationally accredited joint study programmes and notification of study programmes of the international association of universities EMUNI. |
ENQA membership: | Yes |
We aim to keep information on the register as accurate and reliable as possible. Please inform us should you note any inaccurate or misleading information, or refer to our Complaints Policy. | |
* | This is the country in which the agency has its registered address. Information on the formal status of the agency and its decisions in the country's education system should be obtained from the competent national authorities. |
** | List of EHEA countries where the agency has evaluated, accredited or audited higher education institutions or programmes during the past five years. This information is provided by the agency for informational purposes, in order to allow users to identify which agencies have experience with working in a specific higher education system. It does not necessarily imply formal recognition of the agency's results or decisions in those countries. |
1 | All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, on this site shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo. |