Checklist for QAAs, Coordinators and Review Panels
Checklist for agencies
- They submit their application, including a brief description of their activities and the draft terms of reference of the external review, to EQAR before the external review process;
- They forward the confirmation received from EQAR as to what activities should be covered by the external review to the review coordinator;
- For renewal applications: they forward the Register Committee's previous decision on approval/renewal to the review coordinator;
- Their self-evaluation report demonstrates the agency's compliance with each standard of Parts 2 and 3 of the ESG separately;
- The self-evaluation covers all external quality assurance activities within the scope of the ESG, as confirmed by EQAR, and addresses them separately for each standard of Part 2, including under ESG 2.1 a mapping of their criteria and procedures onto the standards of Part 1;
- For initial applications: the review is well-timed for the annual deadlines for submission of external review reports (15 March & 15 September);
- For renewal applications: the review report will be completed before their current registration expires.
Checklist for review panels
- The EQAR policy on the Use and Interpretation of the ESG (this document) is taken into account in its analysis;
- The review report provides clear evidence, analysis and conclusions for each standard of Parts 2 and 3 of the ESG separately, whereas ESG 2.1 include an analysis of how the standards of Part 1 are addressed in the agency's criteria and procedures;
- The report covers all external quality assurance activities of the agency within the scope of the ESG, as confirmed by EQAR, and addresses them separately for each standard in Part 2.
Checklist for coordinators
- The agency submits the draft terms of reference to EQAR;
- The review panel members are independent and have no real or apparent conflict of interest with regard to the agency;
- The review panel includes the stakeholder perspectives required (a panel which does not include a student, an academic staff member and an international expert is not accepted; consultation with those constituencies is no a substitute for their presence on the panel);
- The review panel receives adequate training for their work;
- The review panel members receive the EQAR policy on the Use and Interpretation of the ESG;
- In case of a review for renewal of registration: the review panel receives the Register Committee's previous decision on approval/renewal;
- The review panel interviews the stakeholders of the agency during the on-site visit;
- The chair of the review panel is available to provide clarification to EQAR, if requested.