Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
The following frequently asked questions are based on inquiries by applicants that have reached EQAR. The list of questions and the respective answers are updated as appropriate.
If you think a question is missing and should be added, please contact us.
What are the requirements for the composition of the review panel?
The Procedures for Applications stipulate that the external panel reviewing the applicant quality assurance agency should comprise of members that represent a broad range of expertise and posses sufficient knowledge, experience and expertise for their task.
The review panel must comprise of at least four persons. It must include at least one academic staff member of a higher education institution, one student of a higher education institution and one member from another country than the applicant's.
The review panel members must be sufficiently independent and exercise their role with no conflict of interest.
Please note that groups of experts reviewing higher educations institutions or programmes on behalf of a quality assurance agency are addressed in ESG 2.4 and ESG 3.3.
See also: Guide for Applicants, chapter 5 - Procedures, §§ 1.10 - 1.12
Does the external review report need to refer to the ESG?
Yes, it is expected that the external review report on which the application is based refers to the ESG. In the report, the external review team should set out clearly how it considers the applicant complies with the different standards.
If the report on the external review of your agency does not clearly relate to the ESG, we strongly recommend you consult with the EQAR Secretariat before submitting an official application.
See also: Guide for Applicants, chapter 5.1 - Procedures, § 1.16
Which parts of the ESG should the external review report address?
Both Part 2 and 3 of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) stipulate principles that directly apply to quality assurance agencies. Thus, both parts have to be addressed in the self-evaluation report and the external review report. It's important to also note that ESG 2.1 includes considerations on Part 1 of the ESG. The Register Committee's interpretation of ESG 2.1 stipulates that agencies should systematically include all standards of Part 1 of the ESG in their criteria and procedures used to evaluate/accredit/audit institutions or programmes (while they may be addressed differently depending on the type of external quality assurance).
The structure of the report is the review panel's choice, but it has to be ensured that all standards are explicitly addressed in the report.
See also: Criteria for inclusion, Procedures, §§ 1.16 & 2.2
Do we have to translate our self-evaluation report?
Yes, applicants are requested to submit their self-evaluation report in English.
See also: language requirements in Guide for Applicants, chapter 7 - Procedures, § 3.3 and Application forms and documents
Which parts of our self-evaluation report need to be submitted?
It will be accepted if the core self-evaluation report is submitted; not all annexes, which might be very comprehensive, have to be translated and submitted.
If the Register Committee requires additional information to reach a substantiated decision, additional documentation including annexes (translated in English) might be requested to process the application.
See also: supplementary documentation in chapter 7 of the Guide for Applicants, information under § 3.3 in Procedures and Application forms and documents
When are the application and listing fees due?
The application fee will be invoiced to applicants after receipt of the external review report and is payable within 30 days.
The listing fee will be invoiced in case the application is successful and is also payable within 30 days from receipt of the invoice.
Applicants will receive a formal invoice for both fees, which contains the necessary bank details. Payments by credit card are unfortunately not possible.
See also: Guide for Applicants, chapter 7.7 - Procedures, §§ 3.24 & 3.26
Do we have to pay the fee with or without VAT?
The fees that applicants pay to EQAR are subject to value-added tax (VAT).
EQAR will not charge Belgian VAT on its invoices to applicants from EU countries holding a valid VAT identification number. Those applicants are, however, obliged to pay VAT in their country.
EQAR will charge Belgian VAT of 21% (as indicated in the fee table) to applicants from EU countries that do not hold a VAT identification number and applicants from all other countries.