Welcome to EQAR
In most European countries, higher education institutions or study programmes are subject to regular external review by a quality assurance agency. The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) is a register of such agencies, listing those that substantially comply with a common set of principles for quality assurance in Europe.
EQAR Celebrates 10th Anniversary
The European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Founded by the E4 (ENQA, EURASHE, ESU and EUA) in 2008, EQAR started off with 19 governmental members and 3 first agencies registered.
A short history
The first seeds of what was eventually to become EQAR were planted at the 2005 Bergen summit: ministers adopted the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and welcomed the concept of a European register of quality assurance agencies, to be further developed during the next two years.
The E4 then presented an operational model to Ministers at the London summit in 2007. Ministers “welcomed the establishment of a register by the E4 group, working in partnership, based on their proposed operational model”.
EQAR was founded on 4 March 2008, after further work by the E4 to turn the operational model into reality.
A few highlights
EQAR now features 45 registered agencies that have demonstrated their compliance with the ESG. It is governed and supported by the European stakeholder organisations and now 39 governmental members (from amongst the 48 countries making up the European Higher Education Area, EHEA).
Much has happened since 2008:
- 2010: After 2 years of being operational, 24 quality assurance agencies are listed on the Register
- 2011: EQAR itself undergoes an external evaluation by an international panel
- 2012: Ministers commit to “allow EQAR-registered agencies to perform their activities across the EHEA, while complying with national requirements”
- 2013: Implementing one of the recommendations of the external evaluation, the Register Committee's decisions on applications for inclusion on the Register are now published in full.
- 2014: EQAR analyses agencies' and higher education institutions' experiences with cross-border quality assurance in the RIQAA Project
- 2015: Ministers adopt the revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes – EQAR contributed significantly to both documents
- 2016: The first agency is registered based on a review against the ESG 2015; EQAR completes its second self-evaluation
- 2017: EQAR starts the work on the Database of External QA Results (DEQAR) by registered agencies.
13 March 2018: Information on the exclusion of KAA from the Register
13 March 2018: Information on the exclusion of KAA from the Register
EQAR received a number of questions and inquiries concerning the exclusion of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) from the Register. For the purpose of public information on the decision and its consequences, an informative statement is made available.
Informative statement: summary of decision, consequences and perspectives (13/3/2018)
Register Committee decision (27/2/2018)
21 November 2017: Register Committee decisions The 20th meeting of the Register Committee took place in Cologne on 15-16 November and was hosted by the University of Applied Sciences.
21 November 2017: Register Committee decisions

The Committee approved the following renewal applications:
- AQU Catalunya - Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (Spain)
- NVAO - Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders
- SKVC -Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (Lithuania)
Furthermore, the Committee adopted the additions to the Policy on the Use and Interpretation of the ESG, clarifying the scope of the ESG and addressing the clear separation between external quality assurance and other activities.
19-20 October 2017: EQAR Members' Dialogue/EQUIP Focus Group in Praha The seventh edition of the Members’ Dialogue/EQUIP Focus Group was held in Prague, hosted by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
19-20 October 2017: EQAR Members' Dialogue/EQUIP Focus Group in Praha
- Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University
This year, exceptionally, because of the EQUIP Focus Group, all EHEA countries were invited.
The keynote presentations focussed on the main challenges in assuring and improving quality in Europe from three different perspectives; of the European Commission, the German Länder and Poland.
The EQUIP Focus Group part of the event examined the challenges in QA related to meeting the expectations of the ESG identified within the EQUIP project. After a presentation of the preliminary EQUIP Study results, participants were invited for a Word Café session (five thematic tables, facilitated by five different experts, which participants would visit successively). This was then concluded by a plenary session, summarising the lessons learned from the World Café, followed by an open discussion on recommendations for developing higher education through the use of the ESG.
Other topics of the Members' Dialogue were the Discussion on the EQAR Strategy 2018-2022, the Presentation and Discussion on Approach to External QA and Other Activities by Registered Agencies.
To view or download the presentations of the event
28 September 2017: EQAR moves to new offices The EQAR Secretariat moved to new offices located on the corner of Place Luxembourg/Luxemburgplein.
28 September 2017: EQAR moves to new offices

The new address is as follows:
Aarlenstraat 22 Rue d'Arlon
1050 Brussels
The office is sublet from the Netherlands House for Education and Research (Neth-ER). Next to a number of Dutch universities and smaller organisations, the German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is another subtenant at Neth-ER.
7 September 2017: DEQAR project approved for EU co-funding Following the project application submitted by EQAR for a Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR) we are happy to announce that the project was selected for EU co-funding under the EACEA call 41/2016 - European Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects.
7 September 2017: DEQAR project approved for EU co-funding
The main aim of the project is the development of a database that will enhance access to reports and decisions on higher education institutions/programmes externally reviewed against the ESG, by an EQAR-registered agency. The database is expected to enable a broad range of users, including recognition information centres (ENIC-NARICs), recognition officers in higher education institutions, students, quality assurance agencies, ministry representatives and other national authorities, to satisfy their information needs and support different types of decisions (e.g. recognition of degrees, mobility of students, portability of grants/loans). The project will kick off in November 2017.
More about DEQAR
1 July 2017: Karl Dittrich started his 3-year mandate as EQAR President
1 July 2017: Karl Dittrich started his 3-year mandate as EQAR President

1 July 2017: Having held numerous leadership positions in higher education during the last decades, Dittrich is taking over the position for the first time following changes in the EQAR organisational structure and his election by the General Assembly in Malta.
Karl Dittrich started his career as a political science researcher and lecturer in Leiden, Florence and Maastricht. He chaired the Executive Board of the University of Maastricht from the 1990s until the early 2000s. He was the inaugural chairman of the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO) from 2005 to 2012. In that capacity, he also held functions on the ENQA Board and in the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA). Recently, Karl Dittrich has chaired the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), a position from which he will retire in October 2017. As VSNU Chairman, Dittrich has also sat on the Council of EUA.
In his speech to EQAR members before his election, on 25 May 2017, he emphasised EQAR’s role in supporting and strengthening European ideals and cooperation in the field of higher education: “It is important for the European higher education community to continue its path of dialogue and cooperation despite some nationalist tendencies. EQAR guarantees the quality of the quality assurance agencies and promotes trust in and between them, a precondition for recognition and mobility of students and staff. Exchange and mobility promote understanding between European citizens and help us build strong, democratic and equal societies.”
29 June 2017: Latest Register Committee decisions The Register Committee convened in Valencia on 19-20 June, hosted by the University of Valencia.
29 June 2017: Latest Register Committee decisions
29 June 2017: Apart from reviewing numerous applications, the Register Committee continued its discussions on the policy document on external quality assurance and other activities of QAA's. Before the start of the meeting, EQAR organised an induction/training session for new Register Committee members.
Newly admitted to the Register:
- ANQA - National Centre for Professional Education Quality (Armenia)
- IQAA - Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education
- IAAR - Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (Kazakhstan)
Approved renewal applications:
- AEQES - Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Belgium)
- ASHE - Agency for Science and Higher Education (Croatia)
- HCERES - High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (France)
- FINEEC - The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre
- ASIIN - Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (Germany)
- FIBAA - Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (Germany)
- AQAS - Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes (Germany)
Other news from the Register Committee
On 1 July, EQAR takes leave of Eric Froment, who served as Chair of the EQAR Register Committee for five years. The EQAR General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Register Committee members thanked Eric Froment wholeheartedly for his dedication and contribution to EQAR over the last years.
Six new Register Committee members will start their two-year mandate on 1 July. Incoming members Maria Arminda Bragança de Miranda, Riita Kaarina Pyykkö, Izabela Suika, Beate Treml, Anne Verreth and Steffen Westergard Andersen will replace outgoing members Josep Grifoll, Júlio Pedrosa, Olav Øye, Lucien Bollaert, Dáire Keogh and Dorte Kristoffersen, these last three having served on the Register Committee since 2008. Eric Froment, outgoing Chair of the Register Committee, thanked the outgoing members for their devotion, commitment and hard work during all these years.
25 May 2017: EQAR General Assembly held in Gozo, Malta on 25 May 2017 EQAR members convened for their 13th General Assembly, hosted by the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU and in conjunction with the BFUG meeting on 24-25 May.
25 May 2017: EQAR General Assembly held in Gozo, Malta on 25 May 2017
- Karl Dittrich was unanimously elected as EQAR President with a mandate from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020. He will chair the Executive Board as well as the Register Committee, represent EQAR externally and ensure coherence in the work of the EQAR bodies. On 1 July, the Register Committee will take leave of its current Chair, Eric Froment, who has been Chair of the Register Committee since the last five years.
- Greece was welcomed as new Governmental Member and participated in their first General Assembly. EQAR now counts 39 Governmental Members, which are involved in the overall governance of EQAR.
- The Chair of the Register Committee provided an update on the Register Committee’s work since the General Assembly in Amsterdam on 7 March 2016.
- Blazhe Todorovski (ESU)) was by-elected to the Executive Board as replacement member for Fernando Galán Palomares, who resigned from his position on the Executive Board.
- Six new Register Committee members were approved by the General Assembly. Their two-year mandate will start on 1 July 2017. Incoming members Maria Arminda Bragança de Miranda, Riita Kaarina Pyykkö, Izabela Suika, Beate Treml, Anne Verreth and Steffen Westergard Andersen will replace outgoing members, Josep Grifoll, Júlio Pedrosa, Olav Øye, Lucien Bollaert, Daire Keogh, Dorte Kristoffersen, these last three having served on the Register Committee since 2008.
- Other items on the agenda were the Policy on External Quality Assurance and Other Activities, the Work Plan 2017/18, the accounts for the financial year 2016, the annual report, the election of observers on the Register Committee (Belgium-Flemish community, France, Greece, Liechtenstein and Germany), the budget 2017 and 2018 and the revision of the membership fees.
Read more about the General Assembly
24 February 2017: Key Considerations for Cross-Border Quality Assurance Following up the recommendations from the RIQAA project, EQAR and the E4 Group (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE) agreed to discuss further the key issues that should be taken into consideration when planning cross-border quality assurance (QA) activities.
24 February 2017: Key Considerations for Cross-Border Quality Assurance

The key considerations have been discussed with participants at this year’s European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) in Ljubljana (Slovenia). They have been further disseminated for feedback and presented at the EQAR Members’ Dialogue in Oslo (Norway) and during the workshop of the BFUG Implementation Working Group (WG 2) in Nice.
The key considerations reaffirm that the ESG are the basis for all QA in the EHEA, and thus also for cross-border QA. They are non-biding in character and come to support and inspire higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies that engage in, or consider engaging in, cross-border QA activities.
In addition to higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies they might serve as a useful tool also for governments when reviewing their legal frameworks with a view to allowing their institutions to make use of a suitable EQAR-registered agency in fulfilling their external QA requirements.
Read here the Key considerations for Cross-border Quality Assurance.
12 December 2016: Latest decisions of Register Committee At its most recent meeting in Lyon on 2-3 December, the Register Committee reviewed a number of applications, most of them renewals, and also started discussions on a possible policy document on consultancy activities of QAAs.
12 December 2016: Latest decisions of Register Committee
Newly admitted to the Register:
- ACPUA - Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (Spain)
ACPUA is the second agency that was admitted based on the ESG 2015, following MusiQuE on 6 June 2016.
Approved renewal applications (the first renewals based on the ESG 2015):
24-25 November 2016: EQAR Members' Dialogue in Oslo The sixth edition of the Members’ Dialogue was hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The event focused on two important discussions initiated by the self-evaluation of EQAR: the possible database of Higher Education Institutions/quality-assured programmes, and clarifying the strategic leadership of EQAR by changing from a rotating presidency to an elected president from mid-2017.
24-25 November 2016: EQAR Members' Dialogue in Oslo
Database of quality assurance results and decisions
Following up on EQAR’s Strategic Plan and current Work Plan, the EQAR Secretariat prepared a Report and Operational Model of a Database of External Quality Assurance Results. The data in the report were based on surveys sent out in 2016 to potential users, as well as a dialogue with existing initiatives. The report was presented and discussed at the EQAR Members' Dialogue. Further steps will be considered taking into account these discussions.
Within the event, members also discussed the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, Key Consideration for Cross-Border QA and learned about the new developments in the automatic recognition of qualifications in Western Balkans, the quality assurance of transnational higher education as well as developments within the national legal frameworks for external quality assurance in Switzerland, Netherlands and the Belgium–Flemish Community.